Refinement criteria not available for selected surrogate model
Optimized design of experiments
If you have control on the inputs/parameters on the system which will generate the dataset (numerical simulations, settings of the experiments, …), you can benefit for a better spatial repartition of the experiments.
Visual exploration tools
When the complete dataset with inputs/parameters and outputs/responses is available, you can load it to perform insightful visual analyses and identify the main trends and the most influential parameters.
Going further with surrogate models
A next common step is to use the dataset to infer a predictive relationship between the inputs/parameters and the outputs. This estimated relationship, the surrogate model, can help push forward the analysis with its ability to predict the responses for any new combination of the inputs. In particular it can be extensively used for uncertainty quantification, sensitivity analysis, deterministic optimization, optimization under uncertainty (robust and reliability based) or more intensive graphical studies.
Numerical simulations
In the special case of numerical simulations, you can benefit from a direct connection between LAGUN and your simulation scripts to perform automatic and sequential optimizations with the surrogate models.
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Estimation of Problem Complexity
(% of points in the domain which satisfy the constraints with a given probability)
Version 0.9.10 (December 2020)
Version 0.9.11 (April 2021)
Version 0.10.0 (September 2022)
Version 1.0.0 (July 2023)
Version 1.0.1 (February 2025)
Please contact,, or create a post at for suggestions, comments or bugs.